Sunday, April 29, 2007

I need to get this off my chest

I am not someone who likes to be open online so this is hard for me to do but I need to say it.

I woke up the other day with a paper cut and a sore throat, it really has hit my self esteem I mean what girl want a guy who has a damaged finger, sure the cut will heal but I will have to live in a world where my finger was damaged. Then the throat how can I find a girl to sing too if I can't even talk, I may not be musically gifted but my music is all I have and I have that horrible memory of the one week where I was unable to live my dream, what if I met the woman of my dreams off myspace tomorrow and she passed me over because I had a sore throat, if she looked past me because I was fat I could accept that because its my fault, same with my looks and smell but I couldn't help a sore throat.

I have to ask myself what kind of god would strike me down with bad looks, body odour, fatness, a soar throat and a paper cut. I know people will tell me they understand but the don't because no ones worse off than me.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

A chain comment

If you are reading this or read this first line you will be cursed unless you post this in 2000 blog comments (not this blogs):


post these links in 2000 blog comments or you will be cursed and a short guy made of sticks will kick you in the balls 2000 times.

Nothing like superstition for free advertising.

The legal stuff: If you believe in curses you suck, if we can't find a suitable stick guy to inflict harm on you we will find someone else, the only people exempt from the curse are the stick guy bloggers and people who realise curses don't exist.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The color pink and why it sucks

In keeping with the randomness of stick guy, this blog will be about that horrible color known as pink.

It all goes back to when I was a little boy and pink knew its place, the boys had blue toys and the girls had pink if a boy had a pink toy his parents would sell him at a local market. But now it seems everythings pink, when I walk down the street theres always some guy wearing a pink shirt and while I would like to poke fun at them it also appears the 'confused homosexuals' are also the guys who are bigger than me. Then theres the car interiors, having the paint color as pink is one thing but what is with having the entire inside of the car as pink if ever there was a reason to drive a car off your side of the road and into oncoming traffic its pink interior. Don't even get me started on the pink panther.

Fucking pink.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Super offensive offensiveness

Hey everyone, (Insert random blog greeting here). So the point to this blog is to follow suit with the site and fill this with random crap. So I want to start off with a bang and see how many different people/ethnic groups I can offend in one blog entry.

So let’s get things started. So a few years ago I made the mistake and let me tell you – big mistake of going to Mexico. Let’s just say for those of you who have been fortunate enough to not journey to Mexico, keep it that way. Mexico is pretty much as they say…God’s blind spot. Filled with dirty people and building that are comparable to that of what you’d find in a garbage dump or in a toilet. Seriously…one of them touched me and I had to be quarantined in the infection disease ward.

Now, while you may get 6 different kinds of herpes from a Mexican they aren’t the worst people on the planet. No, no, Mexican’s are by far much worse. In order to prove how much worse Mexican’s are I conducted pain staking research of finally came up with a mathematical formula that links Mexican’s to global warming.

Mexican’s = Global Warming

See! Solid irrefutable evidence! So in conclusion Mexican’s are what’s wrong with the world. I also conducted research that links Mexican’s too overpopulation, violence in the Middle East and the fall of the Roman Empire…oh and I forgot the holocaust, both the world wars and the extinction of the condor.

Seriously though, that’s enough talk about Mexican’s…anymore and I won’t be able to keep my lunch down. No seriously the only thing I can’t stand more than a Mexican is a soccer mom. Let’s face it; soccer moms are exactly what the world doesn’t need. Seriously all we need is another 40 year old hag running around trying to shut down everything to “vulgar” instead of actually preventing there nerdy, emo, suicidal kids.

Good god, I’m well aware that I publish a violent comic strip but seriously its stick guys killing each other and as long as I’m not breaking any laws I should be able to publish what I want on the internet. Instead internet sites have to spend half their valuable time combating soccer moms with shriveled vagina’s from blocking our sites on things like websense because we publish “adult” or “vulgar” content. Instead of focusing on our content we have to combat a 500 page petition that requests that our web host shut us down. Here’s an idea, instead of putting time and effort into shutting down websites why don’t you take the time to actually parent your kids. Oh that’s right…it’s because you’re too busy drinking and smoking large amounts of crack to be bothered.

Seriously though, the very idea that the internet should be some kind of parenting tool is ludicrous. The internet shouldn’t even be used by kids and I shouldn’t have to worry about getting my site shut down for catering my humor to adults only. But of course I understand that those stay at home soccer moms are too busy hiding their affairs from their husbands to be bothered to do actual parenting and of course, trying to get them to understand things such as this is like trying to cure constipation with a pair of surgical gloves and a pair of pliers…it doesn’t work. Well this is beginning to become a pain…later.